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Friday, April 29, 2011

super junior m free concert!!!

it been month since i persinally saw them and next mont they will be back in town to do a free concert...the concert will be held due to celebrate the One MIllion Youth in Malaysia (hari sejuta belia)...its look like now the government are starting to attract the youth by using Kpop..this is because they know how people will react on that...ahhh what ever la...it's working btw cuz im definitely will be there...opsss...forgot to state the venue...huhu..it's actually gonna be held on 28/5 at Putrajaya..brought to you by Marctensia!!!! 

super junior m
checkout their video tittle "perfection"

worrisome and dizziness

how gee....
hai...sorry la cuz lme sgt x aktif ni haaa..bkn ape...i was focusing to finish and complete my fyp...skng sume siap dh...cume tggl sket2 nk touch up jaaaa...viva da bomb pn dh suda...x de la kne hentam yg trok2..cume ade yg kne btul kn sket2 ja la...Alhamdullillah....tp dlm mse yg sme rse kesian pn ade gk kt kwn2 yg trok kne hentam...adoi rse riso sgt2 kt dorg ni haaa...x pe er...lg sket ja nak abeh dh ni...kuat kn smgt ko ek...ak tau ko blh punye...jgn riso...nnt ko tensen kang payah plk nk wt kje...if u need anything, im just a phone call away....ak pn risau gak kt member2 yg still lg tgh brjuang nk tmbh word bia smpi minimum word yg dh dittpkn oleh KP...adeh 8 riban tuuuu...ak seb baik la dh lps limit tu haaa...

anyhuuu skng ni tggl submit paper ja la...tp mem ak plk nk tgk draf full report plk...udah la tebal!!!byk plk kale2!!!mhl tuuuuu nk print...adeh kang ak print kang die conteng2 plk...adoi pyh la cerewet sgt nih....sume nk kne die approve dlu...adoiiiiiiiiii!!!!dizzy already.....

penin tgk bende ni....@_@

Thursday, April 14, 2011

last class....

today will be my last class together with all my class mates.....plus there will be our last test going on too....my filling towords this matter is abit mixing up...felt a little excited and also abit sad aswell...filling sad because the day that is the last day for all of us BM230 6A to be together is about to end...it will be official after 25 April that is the day of our final exam.....for bubu...hope that day will not be the last day for all of us to be gather again...T_T